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Feedback through social networking

Looking at my students and trying to be at somebody else's shoes came up with the idea that I could use what they love: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... to motivate them to keep learning Spanish after school.

After that I got to the feedback stage... How do I give them feedback in a nice and effective way  that they don't feel that their teacher is correcting them in public?
Mmmm, I tried to think in my self, how would I feel if somebody does that on one of my pictures? 
First of all I understood that advising them to create a new account for educational purposes would be a great idea because doing this the student (and the teacher) doesn't get involved in getting to make friends through a social network and can still (everyone) keeps his/her privacy. 

As a teacher:
We want to provide our students with a correct example of a piece of language, maybe a structure, maybe a verb conjugation... and at the same time we want to use the feedback as a positive thing, as an opportunity to motivate them. It is the perfect situation to set up a healthy, friendly and motivational on line source of information for our students. Everyone likes to be congratulated so let's take advantage of it. 

  1. Give directions for an activity [if you need some ideas check out this post]
  2. Check your student's performance and make a comment using the structure you want your student to pay attention to but not correcting what he/she said, just open up a new topic using that same structure or come up with something connected to that.
  3. Make your students respond to your comment using that same structure properly to check that the desired learning took place.

[check the posters below for visual clarification]

As a student:
Your teacher is providing you with valuable feedback on your learning process. Your teacher values you as an active learner and want to help you develop your curiosity and searching skills.
Instead of correcting you, telling you what is correct or incorrect, your teacher is going to make a comment giving you a correct piece of the language you need to look at. This means that you have to put your detective hat and inspect your teacher's comment (s) to find out what you should be reviewing.
For a visual example of this process, please refer to the image on this post. 
[check the posters below for visual clarification]

Visual resources:

Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.

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