But this app, although they should keep developing it to improve on a few things, is bringing up a great idea to the table: personalized language exchanges through our phones.
Basically, you sign up, you fill out which your native language is and which languages you are interested in and start your learning experience.
Immersion is a very effective way of learning languages. Today is way easier to travel to the target country and give yourself a first-hand experience to push your language learning ability, but at the same time we live in an over-connected world, thanks to Internet, so we should consider to get into virtual immersion. Advantages: cheaper, convenient, it builds your social sense of exchange things with others...
Hello Talk is a great opportunity to have a native speaker on the other side of the phone.
The app will count the exchange time automatically, so you do not have to worry about fairness and accountability ;)
The app allows you to write a 500 characters text.
Keep it simple: 5 minutes in your native language, 5 minutes in the language you are learning and vary your friends to have a wider picture of the variety of the language you are studying.
As every on-line tool it also has disadvantages. This one is a kind of social network, so always be careful with the type of information you give to your co-learner.
A good advice for this would be: think like you'd be in the real world. Don't give anybody any information you wouldn't give to anybody in your real life.
Get Hello Talk here!
I never teach my pupils.
I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.
Albert Einstein