1.- Look at the image in this post and describe the scene [be as specific as you can, to the detail]
2.- Mention the topic this image is related to and justify it
3.- Give your personal point of view
4.- Develop your ideas and don't forget about supporting details
5.- End with a personal reflection
Think about these three questions, they can help you develop your ideas:
- What's going on in this picture? / ¿Qué está pasando en esta foto?
- What do you see that makes you say that? / ¿En qué te apoyas para decir eso?
- Do you find any connection to your own culture? / ¿Encuentras alguna conexión con tu propia cultura?
Context information for the image:
A Muslim woman wearing a Hijab stands in the waters in the Mediterranean Sea as an Israeli stands nearby on the beach in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Image's source:
Website: Reuters
Photographer: Baz Ratner
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel.
Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2016.
Relax and learn!
Related links:
- Interactive oral activities for Spanish B SL
- Individual oral for Spanish B SL
- Resources for the Individual Oral
Idea based on: The Learning Network, New York Times.