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ab Initio Unit: La ciudad y sus servicios

This unit on cities is the perfect fit to start talking about directions, orientation, comparisons or descriptions. The Presentation below focus on Critical Thinking, Visual Thinking and is Inquiry based. The students will be guided through questions to understanding of concepts, ideas, vocabulary, brief projects, etc.

In ab Initio this is a great opportunity for practicing the Individual Oral and your Paper 2 / Written Assignment, your writing skills. The students might gather some good ideas for their Written Assignment too, as there is an important cultural component related to cities in different parts of the world.

If you have any idea(s) on improvements, changes, additions, etc for this unit, please let me know. I am always more than happy to revisit resources and update them.

Ahora relaciona estas palabras con el entorno urbano o rural

Por último, practica tu expresión escrita, selecciona uno de los tres temas que te proponemos y escribe al menos 150 palabras.

3 comentarios:

  1. Love this! Thank you!
    What is the name of the program where you have the two pictures and they drag and drop the words to the correct side?

  2. Also, why does it say rojo after the vocab words?

  3. Thanks Kimberly! The website is learning apps, there is a lot of different options there, really interesting!
    Don't understand what you say about "rojo" after the vocab words, where? quizlet?






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