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Prueba 2: set #1

Remember that Paper 2 is going to weight 25% of your final score and it has two sections:

- A: choose one task out of two [50 words]
- B: choose one task out of three [100 words]

Also, it is crucial that we know the features of the text we have to write to score highly.

1.- Read the instructions carefully
2.- Choose your tasks and answer in the space provided
3.- At the end of the presentation click on "exportar el texto", a .doc file will download into your computer with the prompts and your writings
4.- Turn it in to your teacher
5.- Read his feedback carefully
6.- Come up with an action plan to improve and set a specific goal and time to review your progress
7.- Review your progress

More resources for Spanish ab Initio Paper 2:

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Anna Monnar

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